Monday, August 25, 2008

Brave Little Girl !!

Lost in space,
Sleepy in the race,
Drowsy little eyes,
Sleep ; don't cry,
Wakes up when moved,
Surrounded by lots of " coochi choo ",
Suddenly left for a while,
With familiar strangers who giggle and smile,
She looks on with bravado,
Where else Could she go,
Observing, Assessing, Noticing small things,
Every wave and snap those large hands bring,
Wondering silently where Mumma is,
" Why did she leave me alone like this,
Maybe she's gone to do something special,
Till that time I'll just keep myself neutral,
Maybe these people aren't so bad after all,
She's left me safe with these strangers tall,
I miss her so but they'll take care of me,
Only till she comes back you see,
There she is ! Oh what a relief,
These last few moments were like an endless reef,
But then I knew she'd always comes back,
My tears just show my love for the words I lack .... "

1 comment:

Scorp said...

Oh my god!!! Brave Little Girl and That Cramped Space has so much of a similarity. Wow! The same idea and perspective, just the different situation baby is in. Awesome, loved it. Maybe we can compile such poems and send it for publishing :).

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