Friday, August 29, 2008

In a Land of New Unknowns ...

Far from the place where I was born,
With a new home to call my own,
Fascinated with all things new,
Avenues so clean, the sky so blue.

Life here is so proper and prim,
Not a feature seems wrinkled grim,
Calmly everyone leads their own lives,
Sparkled with appliances, no comfort denied.

New experiences sprinkled around,
Where adventures at every turn can be found,
Laws are strict and rules are obeyed,
Things are sure different from where I've stayed.

But the roads are dark and lonely at night,
The quiet sure gives me a fright,
Familiar faces seem to be wary,
This misplaced mistrust is a query.

Compatriots pass by with their heads held low,
I wonder who they are, where they go,
Finding a friendly smile is a rare occasion,
Acquaintances are made only by association.

Often, I yearn for my old and playful life,
Filled with confidantes, music and delight,
Nothing is the same even there I'm sure,
Time has a way of turning things over.

Slowly yet surely, I'm finding my niche,
Seasons will change and I'll re discover bliss,
The one thing missing from a perfect existence,
A clique of friends to remove this social decadence.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

For my Friend on Her Baby Shower

As we join to welcome this new addition,
Smilingly sending you off on your new mission.
Cute little fingers, cute little toes,
Will change you forever as the saying goes.
You'll be amazed at the joys abound,
Oohing and Aahing at every little sound.
As days pass by you will sigh,
Teaching your kid to say mom, dad, hello, hi.
Then one day you'll be trying very hard,
To get them to sit down and be smart.
Life will never be the same, but that's okay,
You'll build memories happy and gay.
With all the new tasks that you will face,
Your family will grow bonds that time can't erase.
Here's wishing you the best for all that and more,
As you pass through parenthood's door.
May you be blessed with all Life's miracles,
Patience, Wisdom, Strength needed to reach pinnacles.
New experiences does this new bundle of joy bring,
Adding love and laughter to everything ...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Brave Little Girl !!

Lost in space,
Sleepy in the race,
Drowsy little eyes,
Sleep ; don't cry,
Wakes up when moved,
Surrounded by lots of " coochi choo ",
Suddenly left for a while,
With familiar strangers who giggle and smile,
She looks on with bravado,
Where else Could she go,
Observing, Assessing, Noticing small things,
Every wave and snap those large hands bring,
Wondering silently where Mumma is,
" Why did she leave me alone like this,
Maybe she's gone to do something special,
Till that time I'll just keep myself neutral,
Maybe these people aren't so bad after all,
She's left me safe with these strangers tall,
I miss her so but they'll take care of me,
Only till she comes back you see,
There she is ! Oh what a relief,
These last few moments were like an endless reef,
But then I knew she'd always comes back,
My tears just show my love for the words I lack .... "

Friday, August 8, 2008


A child with an inquisitive mind,
Is like an endless ravine,
Hold it close and cherish it's words,
Consider no word absurd ,
For it is a person too,
With a heart that feels blue,
Remind it each day it's loved,
And everything it does brings repose,
Be kind, be sweet, say no profanity to admonish,
Respect it as it would your every wish,
A child is a hope for tomorrow,
A child is a dream with no sorrow,
They bring smiles all around,
It delights with every sound,
When they give so much more than get,
Wouldn't you want to never see their eyes wet ?!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Love is all there is...

Love is what makes my world go round,
It's presence is ever lasting and profound,
Just when I turned and found it gone,
I rediscovered it with the rising dawn,
Each time I fell and found a new shattered piece,
I held onto faith there had to be more to this,
Hope for a better tomorrow got me a shining today,
Love is all that I hoped and more in every way,
Had I not known what love is , I've learnt in time,
Through all my sadness I've found the divine.

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