Sunday, March 15, 2009

If I , Would you ?

If I cried, would you let me ?
Or would you tell me to smile instead ...

If I screamt, would you listen ?
Or would you wonder why I acted so ...

If I called, would you find me ?
Or would you close your ears and run ...

If I crashed, would you hold me?
Or would you pass me by ...

Often I find myself alone,
With only one thing to hold onto,
The hope of love,
The hope of you ...

If I waited, would you stay,
Or would you be moving further away ...


Priya said...

Relationship is of no agreement or commitment unless u feel bonded. If I comes only when the soul witin hurts and longs for more.

Shruti Narayanan said...

i might sound like dramatising, but it brought tears to my eyes! err!!! lovely write up.. too senti to handle...!

Anonymous said...

Really an artistic piece of poetry...n a question of which every human wants an answer by his/her fellow companion..whosoever he/she is... ..furthermore being alone is always haunting..

Anonymous said...

Really an artistic piece of poetry...n a question of which every human wants an answer by his/her fellow companion..whosoever he/she is... ..furthermore being alone is always haunting..

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